7 Ps – marketing mix

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Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical evidence – these elements of the marketing mix form core tactical components of a marketing plan


This refers to what the company produces (whether it is product or service, or a combination of both) and is developed to meet the core need of the customer – for example, the need for transport is met with a car. The challenge is to create the right ‘bundle of benefits’ that meet this need. So what happens as customer needs change, competitor

4-R Marketing Model

To design and execute marketing programs that drive revenues.
The business world is teeming with marketing models. Michael Porter’s competitive forces model and Geoffrey Moore’s technology adoption life cycle with its chasm that must be crossed are two examples of structures used to talk about marketing. And talk. And talk.

Marketing strategy Matrix

The General Electric Company, with the aid of the Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey and Company, pioneered the nine cell strategic business screen illustrated here. The circle on the matrix represents your enterprise. Both axes are divided into three segments, yielding nine cells. The nine cells are grouped into three zones:

Top 12 marketing models of all time

According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK, reviewing the last 100 years, there are 12 to consider, as below, in no particular order.
7 Ps – marketing mix
Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical evidence – these elements of the marketing mix form core tactical components of a marketing plan.