The Green Zone consists of the three cells in the upper left corner. If your enterprise falls in this zone you are in a favorable position with relatively attractive growth opportunities. This indicates a "green light" to invest in this product/service.
The Yellow Zone consists of the three diagonal cells from the lower left to the upper right. A position in the yellow zone is viewed as having medium attractiveness. Management must therefore exercise caution when making additional investments in this product/service. The suggested strategy is to seek to maintain share rather than growing or reducing share.
The Red Zone consists of the three cells in the lower right corner. A position in the red zone is not attractive. The suggested strategy is that management should begin to make plans to exit the industry.
Characterize Your Enterprise
The vertical axis represents the industry attractiveness. The expert system will position your enterprise on the chart based upon your description of:
- bargaining power of the buyers
- bargaining power of the suppliers
- internal rivalry
- the threat of new entrants
- the threat of substitutes
- the value and quality of the offering
- market share
- staying power
- experience
Analysis of Your
Enterprise Position
High Attractiveness
Strong Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to invest for growth. Consider the following strategies:
High Attractiveness
Average Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to invest for growth. Consider the following strategies:
High Attractiveness
Weak Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to opportunistically invest for earnings. However, if you can't strengthen your enterprise you should exit the market. Consider the following strategies:
Medium Attractiveness
Strong Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to selectively invest for growth. Consider the following strategies:
Medium Attractiveness
Average Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to selectively invest for earnings. Consider the following strategies:
Medium Attractiveness
Weak Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to preserve for harvest. Consider the following strategies:
Low Attractiveness
Strong Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to selectively invest for earnings. Consider the following strategies:
Low Attractiveness
Average Competitive Position The strategy advice for this cell is to restructure, harvest or divest. Consider the following strategies:
Low Attractiveness
Weak Competitive Position The advice for this cell is to harvest or divest. You should exit the market or prune the product line. |
(Source: http://www.brs-inc.com)